Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Open Frequencies

Hey all, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Just thought of a new storyline for the next adventure. Will need to flesh it out some more, I'll keep you in the loop on the progress.
There are also gonna be some changes in the next adventure, let's see if you can spot them. But all that said and done, I still need to conclude the current storyline first. And it's gonna happen folks, this coming Sunday! It's going to be a two-parter, which means there will be a story post both on Sunday AND Monday.
Meanwhile, enjoy the picture above. I'd like to call it, "Ensigns' Day Off". You're gonna need your imagination to fill up the rest. Ha ha!
Have a great week ahead all!


Dennis G said...

"flesh it out"... love the pun. Yes, I am enjoying the stories and the artwork. now... work faster.. LOL


kit said...

haha glad you liked it so far.
Yes, I'm workin, I'm workin!