Sunday, January 9, 2011

Conversion - Part 13

Nicholas Nelson took a step back and fell back, sitting hard on the bed. From where he was, he looked straight at Carter Colfax's crotch. If this were any other time, he would have turned away and pretended that he wasn't intrigued with the sight before him. But this was Starlight, this was deep space, and things weren't the same.

Nelson observed the fleshy penis in front of him. For a brief moment he was comparing the genitals with his own – something that he never really had a chance to do before. He stared at the light dusting of hair and wondered if Colfax trimmed his bush often. He looked at the dent that connected his body to the penis and how the organ tapered down to deliciously to the neck of the cockhead. The bulb peeked from under a generous wrap of foreskin, retracting a little as Colfax got more excited. Behind the elongated roll hung a set of the biggest balls he had ever seen and they rolled under the snug sack as Colfax took a step forward.

Nelson licked his lips. All that was bubbling in his mind was the curiosity of how the penis, that penis, would feel and taste in his mouth.

Colfax stroked Nelson's face and gently pinched his ears.

“It's okay. You can, if you want.”

Nicholas Nelson didn't dare to look up. He couldn't believe the offer and he was terrified that if he moved the wrong way, the invitation might go away. Colfax's hand was in his hair, feeling the short cropped high-and-tight. Then his palm moved to the back of his head and gave him a soft push.

That was all the nudging Nelson needed. He moved in.

The eleven T'aal brethren stood in a circle in the dimly lit barge bay. The temperature was turned down so low that Commander George Stone could see his breath. Standing behind him was the captain, Commander Holts and Colonel Melanko. The doors opened from the far corner of the bay and the tactical team brought in the probe droid and set it down in front of the men.

“How long will it be before we can send in the droid?” asked Holts.

“As soon as we have the threshold stabilized,” H'loor answered. “We would need you to stay as quiet as possible. Even if you think that something has gone wrong, you are to stay where you are – breaking this circle would be a mistake and very dangerous to both the brethren and the ship. I will signal you when we are ready.”

“Be safe,” Captain Hunt said and nodded signaling the T'aal to begin.

The T'aal lowered their heads and began a soft chant. They lifted their hands and held them towards each other. Tendrils extended from their fingertips, interlocking when they reached the ones from the T'aal beside them.

A few moments passed where nothing happened, then a soft speckle of light appeared in the middle of the T'aal circle and slowly it expanded until it was over six feet high and four feet wide. Stone kept his eye on H'loor and signaled his men to ready the droid. The threshold flicked a few times before it stabilized. H'loor opened his eyes and nodded. Using a holopad Stone guided the droid through the threshold until it disappeared into the light.

Everyone huddled around Stone to watch the feed sent from the probe on the holoscreen. All they saw stark white, blinding nothingness. Then shapes. Humanoid forms, suspended in midair. Stone recalibrated the camera on the droid and tried to filter out the strong glare. When the image on the screen focused and sharpened, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

“We do not understand your resistance,” came the voice. Without prompting, without reason, the voice started to speak. “Many years ago. Many, many years ago, we were not unlike you; corporeal, organic.”

“What happened?” Tesper seized the opportunity to find out more about their captors.

“We evolved. Our religion taught us that many things associated with the flesh was...unholy, dirty. It did not take long before our world moved towards 'The Sacred Conversion'.

“The Scared Conversion?”

“We found a way to convert our physical bodies into energy, pure, clean, holy energy,” the voice continued as if ignoring the human. “We no longer needed clothing to hide the unclean, we shed our skin and bones and became more than the confines of our form.”

“And how long ago was this?” Tesper paced the room, passing Tim who had curled up in a fetal position and Allanah who was comforting a stunned Murel. He knew that the only chance they were going to get out of this predicament was to understand, or even commiserate with the being that was holding them.

“Too long. Time no longer was relevant. Nothing was ever important again. And we left our homeworld and pursued our happiness in this realm. We soon discovered that we had problems. Our energy is dissipating. We are literally disappearing into nothingness, a little at a time.”

“You found that you were dying.”

“Death was something that we thought was eradicated once we've achieved this form. However, our lifespan was still finite. And we've discovered that we could not procreate. We had forgotten how to. We did not know how to.”

“That is why you took us,” continued Tesper.

“So that we can learn. So that we can remember. So that we can live again.”

“Then your approach is flawed. We, humans do not respond well to being abducted, that is why you have to resort to controlling our bodies to get us to perform these acts.”

“We have found a way,” the voice continued. “A way we can create a hybrid with a compatible lifeform. And from our experiments, you are compatible.”

An image appeared over Tesper. He had to squint to see what was shown to him. He turned cold when he realized what he was looking at. Rows of humans from the ship were floating just as Murel and Tim were. Until now, Tesper had thought that the three of them were the only ones taken. As he watched, orbs of blue light circled each body before entering them between their legs.


Miss Sunshine said...

Bravo Kit!! Excellent writing. Keep up the good work!


kit said...

Good to see that you enjoyed it Corey Jo!